National Socialism from 1933

time of the nationalsocialism

Gustav Hagemann during the Nazi era

The seizure of power by the National Socialists is a turning point for Hagemann, but not a surprise. He had known their approach since 1921/22 when he was studying in Munich. Later he also experienced the brutal political conflicts in Berlin and Halle. Long before 1933 there were attacks and agitation campaigns against dissenters and above all Jewish fellow citizens. We know from Albert Einstein that he was molested in 1932 and that no bread was sold to his employees.
Hagemann's place of residence Torgau seems to have been quieter. His focus is initially not on his person. Also, as an expressionist painter, he has not had any great success in exhibitions. Nevertheless, his otherness makes him suspicious. So wrote me Gisela Möhring, the daughter of the music teacher at the Torgau high school on February 20, 1990 from Torgau:
“Your grandfather and my father were the two youngest colleagues at the Torgau high school. Both taught musical subjects (drawing and music), both cared little about the older gentlemen, whose "hobby" was just the regulars' table and the cinema. The wives also did not match the colleague women with coffee wreaths and city gossip. So her grandmother and my mother became friends ...... From 1933 both colleagues were blacklisted because they showed no enthusiasm for Hitler. Her grandfather was very busy with his Lapland work and my father was absorbed in his music ....... "
Hagemann knows that he is being watched.
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